Born of God

Am I on this earth because of my will;
Or does it depend on another?
Did I in my wisdom figure it out;
Or did it depend on my mother?

Not one of us brought ourselves to this world,
It’s an obvious truth we should know.
But when it comes to our spiritual life,
There is only one Being we owe.

It’s not by the will of the flesh we’re born,
And it’s not by the will of a man.
We enter God’s family by His will alone
And it’s only by grace that we can.

God gives to His Son, the people He chose
Before the beginning of time.
And all that He gives are certain to come
To their heavenly home, so sublime.

So let us rejoice and worship our God,
It’s the best path to fullness of joy.
God is so worthy of glory and laud,
Our most bountiful praise we employ!

Mark F Fink

As I reflected on verses that talk about how we are born of God I penned the words of this poem.

The third verse of the poem is based on the following Scripture:

…who were born, not of blood nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will of man, but of God. – John 1:13 ESV

The fourth verse is based on the the following passages:

All that the Father gives me will come to me, and whoever comes to me I will never cast out. John 6:37 ESV

No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws him. And I will raise him up on the last day. – John 6:44 ESV

…even as he chose us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and blameless before him… – Ephesians 1:4 ESV

I am so happy that it did not depend on me when I was spiritually dead in my trespasses and sins. Dead men can’t make choices, especially when they are hostile toward God. No, He chose me and I will always be in His debt and praise Him for eternity.

Heavenly Perspective



I wonder how many times it would have helped us to see things the way God sees them. Perhaps we would be more unbiased or more impartial if we could see things the way God sees them. How we might have been a better encouragement to someone if we could have heard their inward cries like God does? If only we could know what God knows, we might make better decisions. How can we acquire this heavenly perspective? One way for sure is to spend a great deal of quality time in the Bible. That’s where we get the mind of Christ. I think time with God in prayer allows us to focus on what is important to Him also. Here is a poem I wrote years ago as a prayer, more or less. A desire for Heavenly Perspectives.


Oh, to see what God sees,
To be much more objective.
A sight that’s not so earthbound,
With a heavenly perspective.

Oh, to hear what God hears.
To not be so selective,
To whom we choose to listen,
With a heavenly perspective.

Oh, to know what God knows,
A knowledge more collective.
Decisions would be clear then,
With a heavenly perspective.

Oh, to do what God wants,
Not choosing as an elective,
But knowing and obeying,
With a heavenly perspective.

Mark F. Fink

Are you the Lone Ranger?

A couple of weeks ago my wife and I created a short funny video to post on Halloween in which I was dressed as the Lone Ranger. She asked if I was the Lone Ranger and I went on to reveal my true identity and told our viewers that I had a spooky thought about some people not knowing about my newest book, “Finding Peace and Purpose.”

I got to thinking about how many believers in Jesus Christ may be living like the Lone Ranger; trying to walk the Christian life alone. God created us for relationships and we will stay on fire for God longer if we stay in close contact with other believers.

I wrote a poem a few years ago entitled “Enduring Flame” which I used in my newest book that expresses this thought;

Enduring Flame

One charcoal brick lies alone,
And glows from deep inside.
Though it is hot to the touch,
Not long does it abide.

But if we add two or three,
Or maybe even more;
The flame will burn much hotter,
And longer than before.

So it is with our worship;
One saint can praise, no doubt.
But as we join together,
There’s less chance that we’ll burn out.

Mark F. Fink

Are you benefiting from Church, small groups, reading God’s Word and other Christian books? Remember, even the Lone Ranger had Tonto as a companion.

Sowing the Seed

Through the eyes of man, we just can’t see
How rich may be the soil,
But we know for sure the seed we sow
Is well worth all the toil.

There may be rocks and there may be weeds;
The soil may be packed down.
But if we’re faithful to sow the seed,
A harvest will abound.

The Word of God is the seed we sow
The soil is man’s heart.
Our prayer is the water that they need
To get the perfect start.

The sower’s job is not to worry
How quick the seed takes root.
But do his job and patiently wait
Till the seed bears its fruit.

Mark F. Fink

The idea for this poem came from Luke 8:5-15. Sometimes believers want to know all about the soil before planting. They want to take soil samples, have them analyzed and then talk about whether or not to waste the time and effort on sowing the seed.
If we are believers in Jesus Christ, it is our job to sow. Remember God provides us with an unending supply of the seed to sow. The seed is His Word, the Bible. I realize there are many things that can hinder the fruit, but the number one thing is keeping it in the barn. Let’s all get out a bag of seed and sow; just like the old gospel hymn “Bringing In the Sheaves” by Knowles Shaw says:

“Sowing in the morning, sowing seeds of kindness,
Sowing in the noontide and the dewy eve;
Waiting for the harvest, and the time of reaping,
We shall come rejoicing, bring in the sheaves.”

The Marriage Supper

Last week I prepared the last regular Sunday School lesson in this series entitled, “Living to Glorify God.” We have been discussing the many ways in which we can glorify God with our lives. My last point was that The Believer’s Death Glorifies God.

Jesus said to Peter, John 21:18 I tell you the truth, when you were younger you dressed yourself and went where you wanted; but when you are old you will stretch out your hands, and someone else will dress you and lead you where you do not want to go.” 19 Jesus said this to indicate the kind of death by which Peter would glorify God.

My main points were that we glorify God by our actions AS WE DIE and we glorify God by our actions AFTER WE DIE. I used both Jesus and Stephen as examples of people glorifying God by their actions AS THEY DIE.

The second point is that we will glorify God  by our actions AFTER WE DIE because we will be gathered around His throne praising and glorifying His name. I used the following verses and wrapped it up with the poem that follows.

Revelation 19:5 Then a voice came from the throne, saying, “Praise our God, all you His servants and those who fear Him, both small and great!” 6 And I heard, as it were, the voice of a great multitude, as the sound of many waters and as the sound of mighty thunderings, saying, “Alleluia! For the Lord God Omnipotent reigns! 7Let us be glad and rejoice and give Him glory, for the marriage of the Lamb has come, and His wife has made herself ready.” 8 And to her it was granted to be arrayed in fine linen, clean and bright, for the fine linen is the righteous acts of the saints.

The Marriage Supper

Have you made your reservations
For the marriage of the Lamb?
He’s the Prince of Peace and Counselor;
He’s still the great I Am.

It will be the greatest celebration
That you have ever seen,
When all of the marriage supper guests
Collectively convene.

The sights and sounds of that great day,
Will move us to admiration.
The roar of many voices,
And the thunderous ovation.

Saying, “Alleluia to the Lord,
Omnipotent who reigns.”
His wife is now made ready,
And on her dress, no stains.

–Mark F. Fink–

Have you been made pure by the perfect sacrifice of Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God? If not, you can be; If you have, REJOICE!

Rays of Hope

 I was presenting my book, “Finding God in Poetry”  recently at a group book signing and was given a copy of “The North Georgia Writer” which is published by the Paulding County Writer’s Guild. In one section entitled “Write About It,” I was challenged to write about a photo which looked much like the one I posted here. I thought for a while and then began to write. Soon I changed my plan to write a story about those gloomy, dark, frightening clouds. I am including this poem here with a “Take-away” that I hope you won’t miss at the end.

Rays of Hope

All she could see from where she stood
Were those ominous clouds of gray;
And because the storm clouds threatened her,
She bowed her head to pray.

“Could Your sun come out to play with me,
And dance along the hill?
I’m afraid my time is short;
My mother says I’m deathly ill.”

What happened next left me dumbfounded,
But it helped the girl to cope.
The Lord placed holes into the clouds
To shine His rays of hope.

-Mark F. Fink-

What to take away?
“When the storms of life threaten our existence, childlike faith in our prayer moves the hand of God and reveals those rays of hope.”

God’s Pet Blue Jay

In today’s economy, many people are hurting. Some have experienced a decrease in income, others have lost their jobs, and some have lost their homes. One can begin to question whether or not God cares for us or if we have done something worthy of chastening. There have been times in my life when I really didn’t know how all our needs would be met.

One such time was in early 1980 when I had recently graduated from Bible College and was about to set out on the “adventure” of raising financial and prayer support. I would not be able to work a job and do this ministry as well, so I scheduled 3 months worth of meetings in local churches all over the Eastern part of the United States and then quit my job. I spent a lot of time in prayer by taking walks in the morning. I had giant phone bills from calling all over the country (there were no unlimited calling plans back then) to schedule meetings. I had purchased a more reliable car on the payment plan and we had to maintain a place to live too.

As I fervently prayed about all these needs, something I consider miraculous happened. It happened just like the following poem says.

God’s Pet Blue Jay

 While walking along a railroad track in Curwensville, PA.
A Bible College graduate took some time to pray.

 The pressures seemed so heavy and his shoulders seemed so weak;
Financial burdens loomed above like a giant mountain peak.

 Headed for the Philippines was their final goal,
But raising prayer and money was burdening his soul.

 How to pay the phone bill, how to pay the rent,
How to pay the car loan, when they didn’t have a cent?

 “How would all the needs be met?” was his prayer that day.
God would soon remind him in a new and special way.

 The flutter of a Blue Jay caught his eye ahead,
Expecting it to fly soon, it just sat right there instead.

 He placed his finger near the bird and God whispered in its ear,
“Hop aboard his finger bird, you have nothing here to fear.”

 The missionary held the bird that hopped upon his hand,
The strangest thing he’d ever seen on either sea or land.

 Surely it had a broken wing that hindered its escape.
But quickly he examined it and found it in perfect shape.

 He tossed the bird into the air and easily it flew.
Questions whirled in his head, God spoke to him he knew.

 “If I can tame this wildest bird and put him on your hand,
Then I can meet your greatest need according to my plan.”

 The message seemed so loud and clear, “I will meet your needs!”
Worries and fears just melted away and shriveled up like weeds.

 With confidence he returned that day to share with his dear wife,
That he had met with God that day, his faith had found new life.

 In months ahead God kept His word, their every need was met.
The bonus was the message came through God’s own Blue Jay pet.

Share The Cure

One of my co-workers recently bought a copy of my new book, “Finding God in Poetry.” He has been very supportive all the way through the process of writing and selling my books. He even helped me make a couple other sales. Now he wants a Christmas bonus! He tells me that his favorite poem, so far, is the one I have included below.

The Cure

What are we afraid of? Why do we hesitate?
What are we ashamed of? Why do we sit and wait?

We have got the true cure for all this world’s disease.
The answer is the same, both here and overseas. 

The remedy’s been found; the price is fully paid.
We must make delivery, to those who need the aid.

You who need a doctor to heal your awful sin;
Christ is the Physician; He’ll heal you from within. 

All who suffer hunger, Christ is the Bread of Life.
All who need a surgeon, His Word is like a knife.

To those held for ransom, Redeemer He will be.
Others walk in darkness; the Light of Life you’ll see.

For you who may be lost; see Jesus as the Way.
All you who bought the lie, God’s Truth is yours today. 

First the Lord needs workers to transport heaven’s cure.
Next, He looks for sponsors to fund the mission tour.

 Finally, prayer support for the operation;
Pray for love and boldness and clear communication. 

If we work together with the Spirit’s power,
The cure will do its work beginning this fine hour.

Why is it that we are so hesitant to share the good news we have with others? If we really believe we have “The Cure,” let’s share it with love and patience. As the poem says, Christ is the cure for whatever the person’s problem may be. I realize that some people are not very receptive right now, but keep praying for them and wait for an opening. Be sure they know you care about them. Remember, folks don’t care how much you know till they know how much you care.

Until they are open to you sharing from God’s Word, try some of the other things listed in the poem. Volunteer to carry the cure, share financially with others who are going, and pray for everyone involved, including those you would love to see find Christ as their Savior.

What have you found that works well in dispensing the Cure? Share it with me below, please.

Bearing Fruit

I consider fruit bearing very important. When God placed mankind in the Garden of Eden, He told them to be fruitful and multiply. After the great flood of Noah’s day, God again told them to go forth and multiply. Before Jesus went back to heaven, He told His disciples to go into all the world and make disciples (or be fruitful and multiply.)

 I have had times in my life when I became desperate to have more spiritual fruit, resulting in frustration guilt and discouragemnet. As I reflected on some of these truths in my car and later while having devotions, I came to realize that I was not behaving as a branch at all. I wanted to be the vine producing fruit. Jesus said in
John 15:1, “I am the true vine, and My Father is the vinedresser.”
John 15:5 “I am the vine, you are the branches.

I must always remember what my part is in fruit bearing. John 15:4 “Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in Me.

Branches don’t produce fruit, they simply bear it as Jesus empowers them. Branches don’t even desire to bear fruit. They simply abide in the vine and when time is right, they bear the fruit the vine produces. What did Jesus mean when He commanded the disciples to abide? What does abiding look like in 2011?

The branches (believers) maintain a vital connection to the Vine (Christ.) What does that look like? The next few verses tell us what that looks like. John 15:7 “If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, you will ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you. John 15:10 “If you keep My commandments, you will abide in My love, just as I have kept My Father’s commandments and abide in His love.

 Three things are mentioned regarding abiding:

1. Assimilate the Word (My words abide in you v7a)
2. Communicate in Prayer (Ask what you desire v7b)
3. Concentrate on Obedience (Keep My commandments v10)

Prayer is how we talk to God. God’s Word is how He speaks to us. And obedience shows we love Him. These things are where we must concentrate our attention. ABIDE. We can’t allow our earthly desires to drive us to desperation, even about something as important as bearing fruit. We must abide, and the fruit will come.

My new book, “Finding God in Poetry,” includes a poem entitled “Bearing Fruit,” which was birthed from the experience I spoke of above. Below is an excerpt;

Branches don’t concern themselves
With making grapes to grow.
It all happens naturally,
As sap begins to flow.

 I would value your comments or further ideas on this post.
